In this AgoraPulse review, we will discuss what AgoraPulse is, some of its features, and the pros and cons of using this tool.  

What Is AgoraPulse?

  The word “Agora” is a Greek word for a central public or gathering place. “Pulse,” on the other hand, refers to the single vibration of sound, electric current, light, or another wave. Benoit Hédiard and Emeric Ernoult, AgoraPulse founded and released it in 2014. It was originally built for Facebook and allows users to create and schedule social media content, saving them precious time to accomplish other tasks. You can integrate messages from different sites and publish new posts whenever, wherever you are.  

How To Register For AgoraPulse?


AgoraPulse Pricing Plans

  AgoraPulse offers four types of plans that you can pay on a monthly and annual basis. Check out AgoraPulse’s Pricing Plans today!  


This free plan allows you to try out AgoraPulse’s services. Since you don’t have to spend a dime to access this package, it’s understandable that the features you can access are very limited compared to users with paid subscriptions.  


This costs $79 per month (billed annually). It is the ideal choice for small agencies because it gives you just enough features that you can work with. This plan allows you to schedule an unlimited number of posts, publish labeled content, bulk schedule, gain access to listening searches, and retain up to six months’ worth of data among other things.  


This package costs $159 per month when charged yearly. It has all of the features that come with Pro, and other features only sweeten the deal. Premium allows you to assign and approve posts, have collision detection, save reply templates, gain free access to AgoraPulse’s Social Media Manager School, and more.  


This package’s costs will depend on what kind of features you want for your plan. This plan can efficiently address all the needs for social media management that large organizations may need.  

AgoraPulse Payment Method

Make payments either via PayPal or by registering your card.  

Who Can Use AgoraPulse?

Agencies Large Corporations Teams Marketers Bloggers Small Businesses


AgoraPulse Features


Inbox Zero

  This feature helps you see all your social media messages, comments, and mentions and respond to them. The messages are all organized in a single place. It also automatically filters everything since the interface is intuitive. The important messages appear first followed by less important ones. They will stay there when you’re not yet done going through to them. On the other hand, the inbox will empty when you are done reviewing everything. You just need to click on the green check to make the message disappear. The inbox lets you create saved files for common questions. It also lets you assign messages to other social media managers when you are not able to answer a specific question. Also, it identifies tags so you can easily recognize them.  

Evergreen Content

This feature lets you publish content repeatedly. It only means that you can set all your created and categorized posts to be scheduled as many times as you want. You just have to choose your category and schedule it on the time slots when you wish them to be posted.  

Fans and Followers

This feature lets you view who your loyal followers are. This is because it lets you view the people who are always engaging with your content. Also, users can also add labels and categorize them depending on their preference. You can categorize your followers in three different ways depending on how they interacted with you. You can label them as Engaged if they have mentioned you in any way or sent you a direct or private message. Also, you can use the Ambassador label if they have retweeted you or posted links on your website. Lastly, you can label them as Influencer if they are retweeting several times in a month.  

Publish to Multiple Social Media Networks

This feature lets you manage all your social media accounts in only one interface. You just have to integrate all of them into AgoraPulse. You can also invite your teammates and clients without a need to share your passwords. Once you integrate all your social media accounts, managing all of them is easier. This is because you don’t have to open all your accounts one by one or switch to different platforms and pages as you can do it in one place. You can post actively to different platforms with just a few clicks.  


The AgoraPulse feature lets you organize, optimize, and collaborate your content on different social media platforms. You can also manage all the approved and scheduled posts.  

Bulk Publishing

Aside from sharing content in mass, this feature also allows you to have different ways of finding content for your posts. You can import from a CSV file, from a website through RSS feeds, and from your images.  

Easy Scheduling

This feature lets you schedule publishing your content in advance. You can set your preferred time of when you wish your content to be shared. AgoraPulse will do it for you at your scheduled time. This way, you can keep them organized.  

Social Listening

  This feature allows you to hear conversations about your brand on different social media accounts integrated on this platform. Moreover, you can modify your searches and create new searches. Aside from using keywords, you can also use keywords, locations, and usernames.  

Team Collaboration

This feature lets you work together with a team. It lets you see what the team is doing in real-time. You can work together to make the work easier and make it be done in the fastest way possible. You can also assign tasks to everyone to quickly achieve your goals.  

Reports and Analytics

  This feature gives you an overview of how your content is performing on different social media platforms. The reports show you how the labels are used and the times when your audience is engaged with your content. Moreover, they contain all the essential information that can be of great help for you in the future. With this feature, it will be easier for you to find and engage with your audience and serve them better.  

The Mobile App

The platform is best to be used on PC. However, the mobile app helps you keep track of your social media accounts on the go. You can review and process comments and messages. This feature is of great help for accessing information, especially for remote workers.  

Pros and Cons Of Using AgoraPulse


Intuitive interface Organized and easy to access calendar Content approval system Fast customer service Lets you assign multiple roles to your colleagues Lets you add custom tags to your updates

Time zone aspects No unified reports Does not offer Pinterest connectivity Lacks functionality for link tracking

AgoraPulse Alternatives


  Buffer helps clients schedule and publish content, engage with the audience, and collaborate with team members. It also provides reports that lets them analyze statistics to know how their posts perform on social media. Buffer offers mobile applications and browser extensions. This makes it easier for users to use it. Also, its rich features work well and are of great importance to the users.  


  HootSuite is another social media management platform that aims to help businesses with their concerns. This is useful for businesses of different sizes. It helps in executing social media content across different social media platforms. It helps organizations market their brands and businesses, build audience engagement, and generate revenue. HootSuite offers features that are of great help for small to midsize businesses. These include team collaboration, scheduling, and analytics. These features help them improve their tactics and how well their efforts are working.  


Sendible offers tools and features that help facilitate the way you manage your different social media platforms. Moreover, it helps teams save time through its complete and well-polished productivity tools. Sendible features a centralized hub, which brings all social media accounts in one place. This way, it will be easier for agencies or teams to carry out their social media strategies. It also lets them effectively communicate with the audience.  

Is AgoraPulse a Must For Your Team?

Different companies have specific needs and they consider that when choosing a social media management tool to use. There are a lot of platforms that offer amazing features and useful tools that can be of great help to users. And, depending on their needs, users can choose from different productivity tools and platforms available today. AgoraPulse offers different pricing plans and rich features, which make it worthy to be tried. AgoraPulse has the promise to be the best social media management tool today.

Is AgoraPulse A Must Use For Your Team   Review   - 34Is AgoraPulse A Must Use For Your Team   Review   - 72Is AgoraPulse A Must Use For Your Team   Review   - 40Is AgoraPulse A Must Use For Your Team   Review   - 22Is AgoraPulse A Must Use For Your Team   Review   - 97Is AgoraPulse A Must Use For Your Team   Review   - 24Is AgoraPulse A Must Use For Your Team   Review   - 49